Understanding, practising and representing values

The corporate culture describes a company’s established and practised value system. In our “Corporate Culture” seminars we make corporate culture tangible.

In contrast to industries that offer physical products and can rely on the reputation and quality of their products to communicate their culture, corporate culture is one of the crucial distinguishing features in the service provision sector.

But what values does a company stand for? Which guiding principles does it follow? Which principles does it practise that set it apart from other comparable companies? And above all, how do employees feel as part of the corporate culture and how can they convincingly represent the cultural features to customers, suppliers, multipliers and opinion leaders.

We advise SMEs and corporations who want to sustainably improve their service and corporate culture. We support companies with creativity, assurance and rigour to develop and implement their culture and new approaches and service strategies.



Example topics:

  • Elements and influential factors for corporate culture
  • Culture and management
  • Successful change models
  • Approaching the challenges of a business model successfully
  • Culturally aware management and collaboration
  • Desired conduct
  • Winning employees over
  • Culture and innovation
  • A positive error culture: dealing with errors and creating a learning culture
  • Impacts on tools and structures within the company

Are you interested?

Don’t hesitate to contact us.




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