Cooperation and strong leadership in tricky situations

Wherever people work together, it is not just specialist skills that matter. The person is at least just as relevant and is the decisive factor in whether a mission succeeds or fails, as the quality of cooperation and work processes are determined to a great degree by factors such as sympathies and antipathies, resistance to stress and the ability to make decisions under pressure.

The seminar focuses on reliable team management in extreme situations: reacting quickly, making decisions, using the team members’ skills appropriately, coordinating processes, deciding between different options and still maintaining a cooperative and productive team spirit.

We put you in the position of an airline crew member in the cockpit! In the process you learn to assess the situation, your employees and yourself better. Find out how you can communicate efficiently and act expediently in critical situations. And transfer this wealth of experience from aviation to your field of work: on the management floor or in an operating theatre.



Example topics:

A positive error culture and human factors:

  • People and their complexities
  • Identifying stress in yourself and others
  • Stress and its impact on performance
  • A team is greater than the sum of its individuals
  • Expectations and trust
  • The most important tool in working together: communication
  • Attentiveness and attention
  • Criticism and conflict resolution
  • Standards

Aviation tools:

  • Briefings and debriefings
  • Hierarchy and cross checks
  • Standards and check lists

Are you interested?

Don’t hesitate to contact us.




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